When to change the ceramic bowl

2022-09-16 10:56

Ceramic bowls can be replaced once they are cracked. Ceramic bowls are safe and harmless and can be used all the time as long as they are not cracked or broken.


Bowls are daily necessities that every family needs to use. The bowls are made of various materials. In addition to ceramic bowls, there are plastic bowls, bamboo bowls, wooden bowls, etc. Many tableware made of materials will grow bacteria after being used for a long time and need to be replaced in time.


Generally, the plastic tableware needs to be replaced once a year. Although it's not easy to break, but easy to become brittle and aged, and will emit toxic substances over time. If the plastic tableware emits an unpleasant plastic smell, it also needs to be replaced in time.


The common bamboo tableware and wooden tableware are mostly chopsticks, this type of tableware should be replaced once every six months, once a week for disinfection, if you do not pay attention to disinfection, it is easy to breed bacteria, bacteria into the body will cause intestinal diseases.


In comparison, ceramic tableware has a longer service life, they are made of clay, kaolin, porcelain and other clays, need to be fired at high temperatures, will not waste living resources, not pollute the environment, not emit toxic substances.


ceramic bowl



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